Solar power
Large scale ground mounted solar panelsystem projects with focus on strategic locations based on grid availability

Onshore wind power
Onshore wind farms with focus on strategic locations with good wind resources.

Offshore wind power
Offshore wind farms with focus on near shore, shallow waters and deep water.

Energy storage
Large-scale energy storage in combination with generation or stand alone for peak shaving, frequency regulation services and energy arbitrage.

Hydrogen and efuels
Large-scale hydrogen production and offtake and/or processing into eFuels.
Who we are
Landinfra Energy is a project development company within renewable energy with main focus on the Nordic market. The ongoing electrification of society creates a great demand for renewable energy and Landinfra Energy intends to be part of the revolution by developing competitive renewable energy projects and thus contributing to reduced carbon dioxide emissions and ensuring a sustainable future.
What we do
Landinfra Energy focus on project origination and development activities in five main business areas large scale solar, onshore wind power, offshore wind power, energy storage and hydrogen and efuels. Landinfra Energy is technology agnostic and focus on the realization and development of the most competitive projects based on market and site specifics.
How we work
Landinfra Energy’s business model includes greenfield and brownfield development and realization of high quality renewables projects from early phase in close collaboration and partnerships with land-owners, local stakeholders and investors.
Landinfra Energy strives for an open dialogue and strong anchoring of our projects among neighbors and local communities.
Who we are
Landinfra Energy is a project development company within renewable energy with main focus on the Nordic market. The ongoing electrification of society creates a great demand for renewable energy and Landinfra Energy intends to be part of the revolution by developing competitive renewable energy projects and thus contributing to reduced carbon dioxide emissions and ensuring a sustainable future.
What we do
Landinfra Energy focus on project origination and development activities in five main business areas large scale solar, onshore wind power, offshore wind power, energy storage and hydrogen and efuels. Landinfra Energy is technology agnostic and focus on the realization and development of the most competitive projects based on market and site specifics.
How we work
Landinfra Energy’s business model includes greenfield and brownfield development and realization of high quality renewables projects from early phase in close collaboration and partnerships with land-owners, local stakeholders and investors.
Landinfra Energy strives for an open dialogue and strong anchoring of our projects among neighbors and local communities.