Prästköp solar project


Landinfra is investigating the possibility of building a solar park in Prästköp, approximately 15 km northwest of Finspång. The farm is planned to have an area of up to 380 hectares including four properties; Österby 1:2, Hällestad 1:1, Prästköp 1:4, and Grytgöl 2:59. If built, the solar farm could have a total installed capacity of around 340 MW, with an annual electricity production of approximately 357 GWh, and produce fossil-free electricity for about 40 years.


Landinfra has conducted a so-called delimitation consultation to the County Administrative Board of Östergötland in 2024, as well as consultations with authorities, the public, and individual stakeholders. Responses received will be addressed in the upcoming permit application.

In 2024, Landinfra also carried out and initiated several surveys and investigations related to nature and wildlife, which will serve as the basis for the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment.

The permit application for the project, including the associated investigations, consultation report, and Environmental Impact Assessment, is expected to be submitted in the first half of 2025.

Country: Sweden
Place: Finspångs municipality,
Östergötlands county
Technology: Solar energy +
energy storage
Phase: Development phase
Area: 380 hektar
Capacity: 340 MW
Översiktsbild av utredningsområdets lokalisering. Utredningsområdet är uppdelat i delområdena A, B C och D. Bild framtagen av Sweco.


Foto på Greta Aurell

Project Manager
Greta Aurell